Join Us for a Summer Luncheon

THURSDAY, August 22nd
Lafayette Veterans Memorial Building

Fellow Legionnaires,
Please join us on Thursday, August 22nd for lunch and good conversation.

RSVP Cutoff: Monday August 19th at 5pm
RSVP to our dinner/lunch line: 925-283-1153

Lunch will be on Thursday, August 22nd
Social Time: 11:45am

Lunch will be served at 12:30pm.
RSVP due by 5pm on Monday, August 19th
Menu: Summer Sandwiches, Salads and a dessert   – all for $15 a person, $10 for students or $25 per couple!!!

RSVP to our dinner/lunch line: 925-283-1153 or email us at:

Download PDF Flier


Special Notes:

After more than a decade, your annual dues have increased from $40 to $50, we appreciate those that have already paid.

Note that in September we will be hosting our 2024 Boys and Girls Delegates for DINNER on September 26th at 5pm.

Hope to see you for lunch!

Thank you,

Mike Gilson